The first time I saw Apocalypse Now, I was ten years old. It really put a zap on my head. I liked the character Chef and was intrigued by the notion of going through life specializing in making sauces.
Simple & High Quality Ingredients
Magically blended to create flavors with a kick!
High Desert Habanero (16oz)
HIGH DESERT HABANERO brings habanero heat to a carrot and onion body in a blend of premium vinegars and just a hint of sweet from agave nectar. Use as an ingredient in soups, rubs, salsas, or as a condiment if you really love spicy heat.
Restless Reaper (16oz)
RESTLESS REAPER tempers the extreme heat of Carolina Reaper peppers with sharp and subtle flavors like plum, guava, pomegranate, onion and carrot. It also teases the pallet with agave nectar, espresso, chocolate and mint. Experience ethereal.
“High Desert Habanero is a wonderfully unique sauce I would put on anything and everything!”
— James Achedafty
“This Wizard’s hot sauces are some the best, most flavorful I’ve ever had.”
— Homer Leslie Dollar IV
“Restless Reaper goes great with bbq chicken.”
— Homer Dollar III